Friday, February 22, 2008

love = tomato soup

Many people wonder if they have true love and how their partner feels about them. I remember the old "shoop shoop" song, where Cher sang "if you wanna know if he loves you so it's in his kiss...", but I'm not sure if I agree. I think you know he loves you with the little things.

I knew after "5 days" that I loved my boyfriend, but he continues every day to surprise me with little acts of love and kindness. The other day, we were in the kitchen and he had grilled yummy food on the Egg (this giant green ceramic grill that is apparently the end all be all of grilling) and I went to the microwave to heat up my water for the optifast tomato soup. He asked me if I wanted him to make my soup taste better and since he is definately the cook in the family, I let him at it. He added a plethora of spices and it was sooo yummy. Last night I came home late from school and meetings and the first thing he asked is if I wanted him to make my soup again.

There are a lot of people who aren't as supportive of their partners, but I am so lucky to have someone in my life who not only encourages me, but supports me by making my journey a little easier and tastier :) Even T said last night, it's not just your journey, it's our journey. TLC makes the soup better, and the love stronger!


Tyson said...

You had better watch out...I'll take your soup and eat it myself. It was pretty tasty. I love you ginormous.

me said...

This post brought tears to my eyes. It is so true that it is the little things that my man does that makes my heart know he loves me just that much more. Enjoy your yummy soup and your awesome boyfriend.