Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

Okay, so like I said before I wanted to post some pictures of not only my progress, but also of how far I have come in the last 10 years. Looking at 1998 makes me realize just how much I have accomplished and how much my life has changed...

Not the best use of photoshop but it will do :)

An now for my current progress pictures...drumroll please...


Unknown said...

I just had to comment on your mention of liposuction sucking out the fat cells. Liposuction, in fact, may very well cause you to gain weight. There was a survey done that revealed that 2/3's of liposuction patients gained weight (5-10 lbs, I believe) without changing their diet. (The survey is in the December 2004 issue of the Journal of Plastic Surgery.) I experienced this after having abdominal liposuction over a year ago. I regret having it done because now it seems harder to maintain my original weight.
Good luck with your journey. (Just do it the natural way, though!)

me said...

You are a brave, brave girl! Isn't amazing to see your progress? You are on the right track April!

April said...

Thanks for the input Rose! I can't ever see myself having liposuction anyway, but your facts just help confirm my thoughts!